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Showing posts from February, 2016

Women activism?

Yesterday, I was sitting next to a girl in the city bus. She was, as all youngsters do perpetually, listening to songs on her cell phone. One of the song videos had a hero in a mythological garb striding towards three voluptuous heroines dancing, standing manly while they gyrated around him. Then he sat on a throne and they slithered on the floor in front of him. Where are the women activists who scream every time something worth screaming about happens? What about protecting the dignity of women onscreen? Do heroines exist only to grab the attention of the machoistic hero and feel grateful? I felt ashamed.

Idiot box

I haven't watched the idiot box even once in about four months. I find the recluse quite enjoyable and peaceful. Who cares about the opinions of some people which often amounts to no result in the end? Who cares about stories which have neither logic nor an end? Who cares about sleazy dances and boring songs, predictable insults passing off as comedy? If I want to know what is happening to the world, I go to newspapers and internet.  

World is your oyster

For some, the world is their oyster. For a few, their oyster is their world. It is interesting to see how some manage to live their entire lives under the blissful shade of ignorance -- unaware of the everyday fight to survive in the real world. To feed, to breathe and to live with dignity without compromising on one's values. I wish each such person would for once peep out, step out and test the waters just to realise that life is indeed worth living; with a smile in their eyes and bounce in their steps.