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Showing posts from July, 2015

Kalam, a happy man !

A happy man passed away ! That's what I felt as I watched the news of Dr. Abdul Kalam's death on TV. Many news channels aired his interviews, interactions with students and lectures. The one common thing that could be seen in all these videos was his childlike smile and quick wit. His eyes looked happy. His whole demeanour showed he was happy. Wherever I looked, I could no longer see a celebrated scientist, a thoughtful teacher or an illustrious President of this country. I could see only a happy man and a patriot. RIP to the man who made me want to take up basic science and dream of being a scientist. 

Names, names, names.

Names. Surnames. Initials. The 'A's and 'B's and 'C's of X and Y and Z. Aren't we all quite proud of ourselves, our parents and grandparents? It does feel funny to read a wedding card where by the time you finish negotiating the initials and surnames, you would have quite rightly forgotten the bride and groom's names. It happens to everybody that we go to a marriage and look clueless when somebody asks the name of the bride or groom. Wouldn't it be easier on the mind, tongue and the ego if we were just known by our names? Wouldn't there be zero ego in such a case?