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Showing posts from December, 2009

A fresh year

At last! 2009 is going to end. I was just waiting for this day. Whether we believe in it or not, sometimes customs and superstitions both make us vulnerable to emotions we otherwise shy away from. I don't think there are many people in this world, despite their religion or personal beliefs, who do not believe that the new year ushers in better things in our lives. Our hopes renew themselves on January 1. Everyone will secretly hope for the lost things to come back, for fresh beginnings and for stale things to end. I am hoping that this year brings back my loved ones whom I have not yet given up for lost. Let me keep my fingers crossed with a bright smile on my face.

Two separate questions

Guess I am out of touch with everything right now, so no blog entry for many days. From many days, a question is bothering me. I haven't found a satisfactory answer yet. So I'll write it down here. Maybe anybody who reads this may know the answer. "Just because we are journalists, writers, opinion creators and thinkers, do we have the right to judge others? Either personally or professionally?" I think we don't have the right to judge a person, even if we are right. But as writers, we would have to judge others whether we like it or not. And it's very difficult forcing people to think, but that's what we are doing or pretending to be doing right? Another question: "How come life is so simple if you just let it live by itself without bothering much and so complicated if you try to manipulate it or even understand it?" Blessed are the ignorant. We who can understand everything, try not to let anything go by without understanding and thus miss the b...