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Showing posts from December, 2015


Freewill. God. A discussion that's been around for ages and around the world where people have taken the liberty to think. I believed in the co-existence of 'freewill' and god. But now I have my doubts. In Gita, Krishna tells Arjuna to think over his words and then take action as he believes appropriate. To listen to others' words, and then do what we feel is right - it is Freewill. But the consequences of what we do, which we cannot foresee or control… what of them? If we have no control over the results, how does freewill liberate us?


The toughest lesson I have not yet learnt from life is 'Karmanyevadhikaraste maa phaleshu kadaachana.' It's quite easy to understand, but very very difficult to follow. I try to follow it every day and fail. Human mind being what it is, it's hard not to expect at the least kindness in reciprocation of my duty which I believe I do towards all humans around me. Is my expectation wrong in today's world? May be it is wrong - either in Krishna's world or mine.