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Showing posts from November, 2016

Two shores

The phrase that bridges have to be built between people and not walls has now become a cliche and everybody uses it ad nauseum. But I feel different. I believe building bridges across relationships won't bring people together; because a bridge always keeps two shores apart from each other just like a wall. The only consolation is that there is communication between two shores which is not possible thru a wall.

Our Kundapura @ Kodi bridge


I was talking about freewill sometime ago. As I began reading Ayn Rand's 'Atlas Shrugged' again, I found this: “ That which you call your soul or spirit is your consciousness, and that which you call ‘ free will ’ is your mind ’ s freedom to think or not, the only will you have, your only freedom, the choice that controls all the choices you make and determines your life and your character. ”