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Two ghost stories...

When in Jog, I heard two ghost stories as can be heard in most Ghat regions. A place called Mavinagundi at the start of the Ghat. And a spot of many accidents and deaths. And, of course, said to be the haunt of many ghosts. A car driver who feared travelling the route at nights, had to go on that road one day at night. After some time, he saw a woman waving for lift. He stopped, fearing. She climbed behind him. After some time, he turned back only to see a headless body sitting behind him. In his fear, he drove very fast without looking back, reached home, stopped the car and ran inside only coming out the next day with fever.The car driver's friend, who also came on that route alone one night, started hearing conversations from the back seat of his car. Some times the talk was muffled, some times louder. He too drove his car in a frenzy without once looking back and reached home only to wake up the next morning with fever. The locals don't travel that route alone at night, they either take someone with them or travel with other vehicles. Our driver said he was not afraid when he came to pick us up because of the presence of children (us) in his car.You may believe it or not...


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