In a few months, I learnt something very interesting. I learnt that friendship is not constant, but relative; relative in the sense it changes according to the situation, emotions and the decisions taken. I believed, like all sanguine youth, that friendship, like love, is forever and unchanging. Well, it seems on the path to maturity, you tend to step on a few stones thinking they are stepping stones and inevitably fall. It doesn't matter if you are hurt, it just matters that you misjudged. Coming to maturity, I think I have failed to understand it, let alone gain it. Does maturity mean accepting something they do not feel, as true? Let me be clearer with a simple example. When you love someone deeply, can leaving that person, knowing that its very difficult, be maturity? My question is, is accepting practicality a sign of maturity? What about accepting what you truly feel, what is nearer to your heart?
Fleeting thoughts in snippets.