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Judging others

From many days, a question is bothering me. I haven't found a satisfactory answer yet. So I'll write it down here. Maybe anybody who reads this may think of an answer. "Just because we are journalists, writers, opinion creators and thinkers, do we have the right to judge others? Either personally or professionally? If not, then how can we write without judging? Our writings obviously focus on judging others." 


    According to The Elements of Journalism, a book by Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel, there are nine elements of journalism.[3] In order for a journalist to fulfill their duty of providing the people with the information, they need to be free and self-governing. They must follow these guidelines:

    Journalism's first obligation is to tell the truth.
    Its first loyalty is to the citizens.
    Its essence is discipline of verification.
    Its practitioners must maintain an independence from those they cover.
    It must serve as an independent monitor of power.
    It must provide a forum for public criticism and compromise.
    It must strive to make the news significant, interesting, and relevant.
    It must keep the news comprehensive and proportional.
    Its practitioners must be allowed to exercise their personal conscience.

    In the April 2007 edition of the book,[4] they added the last element, the rights and responsibilities of citizens to make it a total of ten elements of journalism.

    Genres -------------------------------------
    Advocacy journalism - writing to advocate particular viewpoints or influence the opinions of the audience.
    Broadcast journalism - writing or speaking which is intended to be distributed by radio or television broadcasting, rather than only in written form for readers.
    Investigative journalism - writing which seeks to add extra information to explain, or better describe the people and events of a particular topic.
    Tabloid journalism - writing which uses opinionated or wild claims.
    Yellow journalism (or sensationalism) - writing which emphasizes exaggerated claims or rumors.

  2. now you may evaluate what you believed is journalism, and, may choose the one most appropriate for your beliefs & goals :)


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