It is 16th January, 2015. It will be 16th February, 16th March... soon. What is a date, month or a year to me? Nothing but a jumble of numbers and words in my mind. They have absolutely no significance to me. They come and go, uninvited and uncherished; forgotten soon in the melee of life. The mornings, afternoons and the nights are a blur within each other. Only the evenings are mine, for thoughts, dreams and frustrations. And the serene hour in the early morning when I water the plants and they seem to wait for me eagerly, nodding with content after their thirst is quenched.
“ What is the feeling when you're driving away from people, and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing? It's the too huge world vaulting us, and it's goodbye. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies.” -- Jack Kerouac (American Poet and Novelist) From what I have seen and admired in humans, they are eternal optimists. Goodbyes seem to break us, but we straighten up and walk, holding our head high, blinking away our tears. And as regards the specks of people dispersing, when something moves away, something else comes near. Guess that's how laws of nature move. If a time comes when nothing else comes near, it's when we will become really alone; alone to live and love life without any reason, taking the next step forward.
aint time an illusion?