In Ramayana, after Rama kills Ravana, the oldest survivor in Ravana's family, his grandfather, pleads with Rama to show mercy to Lanka citizens since now Lanka is under Ayodhya and they are to be ruled by him.
Rama, however, replies that though he won the war, it was not his intention to occupy Lanka for the sake of expanding his kingdom. His fight was against adharma. Hence, he will not be ruling over Lanka and Lanka is free.
When I remember how our textbooks glorify mughal invaders who not only snatched kingdoms of India but also destroyed every city, village they passed through, killed its innocent people and plundered our wealth, I am reminded of Rama's fairness, dislike for unnecessary violence and complete absence of greed. He did what was right. And he respected every individual's right to life and freedom.
This is why I am still a Hindu
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