May Day is devoted for the working class around the world. Now, all everyone does on the day is close their business, go home and relax. Some demonstrations, protests and rallies are held symbolically and that is it. I don't see major resloutions adopted or changes brought about in the workers' lives. They are back to drudgery of their work the day after.
Major industrial establishments declared holiday yesterday but the one of the real working class- the postmen and women went about their duty cycling in the scorching sun. To them, improvement came after a long time by means of bicycles in place of walking miles.
Those postmen and now even women have been taken granted for so many years by us all, even grumbling if they did not arrive on time, not seeing the hot sun, rain and cold they had to endure.
A middle aged postman used to come to my house for some time. He used to ask us to call down those who resided in the first floor for signing registered posts. One day, when mom asked the reason, he said he had been warned by doctors against climbing due to a recent heart surgery. In our homes, a heart patient is treated like glass, ready to be broken unless handled carefully. But what about those who cannot afford to be handled so? They have to work, come rain or shine, or else have to sleep hungry. What can we do other than pity them? Not even a day dedicated to them will shield them from sun or hunger. I guess everyone has a particular place meant for them alone in Universe's scheme of things. And we have to remain there, despite efforts and hopes.
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