Relationships are very hard to maintain, especially if those involved in the relationships are insecure. Marriage is quite complicated as it is embracing a whole new family, with their interests, ways that differ from ours, likings and not-so-likings, stories and light moments, fears and emotions. Someone recently told me that being unmarried makes us retain our individuality. Maybe so. For someone who has been independent in thinking and has their own beliefs, it would be quite difficult to stay in a marriage happily, where one has to constantly consider the likes and dislikes of the spouse. Is love, family, worth sacrificing one's individuality for?
“ What is the feeling when you're driving away from people, and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing? It's the too huge world vaulting us, and it's goodbye. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies.” -- Jack Kerouac (American Poet and Novelist) From what I have seen and admired in humans, they are eternal optimists. Goodbyes seem to break us, but we straighten up and walk, holding our head high, blinking away our tears. And as regards the specks of people dispersing, when something moves away, something else comes near. Guess that's how laws of nature move. If a time comes when nothing else comes near, it's when we will become really alone; alone to live and love life without any reason, taking the next step forward.
can one be in Love without being attached/ possessive? isn't it possessiveness that makes individuality suffer in relationships? can there be loving relationship with complete respect for each individual? can't Love allow, encourage & support each individual's flowering into his/her full potential?
ReplyDelete.. if Love demands the individuals to sacrifice their own being & flowering, its probably nothing more than mutually exclusive physical-emotional ownership !
There can be love without possessiveness, which also lets one's individuality grow. But such love is found only in some rare persons. If only all were capable of such love, there would be less number of crimes, heartbreaks in this world. A loving relationship can support each individual without killing their individuality. I believe it is possible.
ReplyDeleteit is indeed possible, all are capable of such love, and, it has to begin with oneself - be the change you want to see in the world!
ReplyDeletewhen hearts break or individuality suffers, the challenge is to recognize that its not Love, its possessiveness ... and have the courage to accept it ...
so, does one have to wait for the breakpoint to recognize the truth...? in the event, will one have strength to survive and discover the truth ...?