When we surrender ourselves fully to something or somebody, be it god, human or a cause, it becomes quite difficult to tear ourselves from it. It is like a baby tearing itself from the womb of its mother, resulting in rupturing and bleeding of the womb wall. But does that surrender also make us blind to the outside world? Does the process of pulling ourselves away give birth to a new vision, life?
“ What is the feeling when you're driving away from people, and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing? It's the too huge world vaulting us, and it's goodbye. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies.” -- Jack Kerouac (American Poet and Novelist) From what I have seen and admired in humans, they are eternal optimists. Goodbyes seem to break us, but we straighten up and walk, holding our head high, blinking away our tears. And as regards the specks of people dispersing, when something moves away, something else comes near. Guess that's how laws of nature move. If a time comes when nothing else comes near, it's when we will become really alone; alone to live and love life without any reason, taking the next step forward.
when life seems hopeless, more often after a long ego-trip, surrender is the only choice to begin a new birth ... if at all, one would become immune to all that hurts in the world at large! its rather essential to become blind & deaf to the world outside, to 'see & hear' the abundance inside. That's the real surrender ... to the immense energy & intelligence that comes from observing one's own voices & thoughts, the observer him/herself ...
ReplyDeleteSurrender to a person, cause or concept without awakening of awareness might as well be another ego-trip ... that's when it becomes difficult, painful, et al.